Drug Driving Offences

At Bazzi Law, we’re your trusted partner in going through the complex landscape of drug driving charges in Brisbane.

If you have been charged with a drug driving offence, having legal representation is crucial for protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome. At our firm, we specialise in defending clients against drug driving charges, providing comprehensive legal support from the moment you contact us.

Our team of experienced drug driving lawyers understands the severe consequences a drug driving conviction can have on your personal and professional life. We are dedicated to ensuring you receive the highest quality legal advice and representation.

With our deep knowledge of Queensland’s traffic laws and our commitment to achieving optimal results, Bazzi Law stands out as a premier choice for anyone facing drug driving charges in Brisbane.

Don’t face these charges alone –

Trust our team to guide you through every step of the legal process with professionalism, empathy, and unwavering dedication to your case.

Understanding Drug Driving Charges

In Queensland, drug driving is a serious offence that encompasses several specific charges.

These charges typically fall into two main categories –

Driving under the influence of a drug (DUI) and driving with a relevant drug present in your system.

Driving Under the Influence of a Drug (DUI)

DUI is the most serious of the drug driving charges in Queensland. It is comparable in seriousness to the offence of driving under the influence of liquor (high-range drink driving). The charge of driving under the influence of a drug applies when a driver is found to be impaired by the drug, affecting their ability to operate a vehicle safely. Impairment can be demonstrated through erratic driving behaviour, physical symptoms of drug use, or failing a roadside drug test. Similar to drink-driving offences, this offence does not require the prosecution to prove that a driver was driving. Attempting to put a motor vehicle in motion or being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst being under the influence of a drug is also an offence.

Driving with a Relevant Drug Present

This charge occurs when a driver is detected with any trace of specific drugs in their system, even if they are not visibly impaired. Queensland Police routinely test for substances like cannabis (THC), methamphetamine (ice), and MDMA (ecstasy) using roadside saliva tests.

How the Police Test for Drug Driving Offences

There are several scenarios in which a driver might be charged with a drug driving offence, including but not limited to:

Positive Roadside Saliva Test: Conducted at random checkpoints, these tests can detect traces of drugs in your system, leading to an immediate charge if you test positive.

Blood Tests: If suspected of drug driving, you may be required to undergo a blood test, which can detect both illegal and prescription drugs.

Refusal to Undergo Testing: Refusing to comply with a drug test without a valid reason is also an offence and can result in more severe penalties.

At Bazzi Law, we recognise the complexities and nuances of these charges. We provide expert legal counsel to help you understand the specifics of your case and the potential consequences you might face. Our goal is to ensure you are fully informed and prepared to address these charges effectively.

Legal Implications and Penalties

Penalties for Drug Driving in Queensland

Drug driving offences carry significant penalties in Queensland, reflecting the severity with which the law treats these cases. The penalties you might face depend on various factors, including whether it is your first drug driving offence, the type of drug driving charge, and any aggravating circumstances such as accidents or injuries caused while driving under the influence.

For Driving Under the Influence of a Drug (DUI)
  • First Offence: You could face fines, a mandatory licence disqualification, and even imprisonment. A first offence of DUI (in a five-year period) carries a maximum penalty of 28 penalty units (approx. $4,600) or 9 months imprisonment. The offence also attracts a mandatory minimum licence disqualification period of six months. Any charge of DUI will also result in an immediate driver licence suspension.
  • Subsequent Offences: Repeat offenders face harsher penalties, including longer disqualification periods, higher fines, and an increased likelihood of imprisonment. A repeat offence carries a maximum penalty of 60 penalty units (approx. $9,700) or 18 months imprisonment. For repeat offenders, a conviction attracts a mandatory minimum disqualification period of one year.
For Driving with a Relevant Drug Present
  • First Offence: This typically results in fines and a relatively short licence disqualification. A first offence carries a maximum penalty of 14 penalty units (approx. $2,300) or 3 months imprisonment. The offence also attracts a mandatory minimum disqualification period of one month (and a maximum of nine months)
  • Subsequent Offences: Whilst the maximum penalty is not affected, repeat offences do often incur more severe penalties, including longer licence disqualification periods. The mandatory minimum disqualification period increases to three months for a second offence and six months for a third (or subsequent) offence.
Licence Disqualification

Losing your driver’s licence can have far-reaching impacts on your life. It can affect your employment, especially if your job requires you to drive. It can also hinder your ability to fulfil personal and family obligations. Understanding the full scope of these consequences is crucial, and at Bazzi Law, we aim to help you navigate these challenges effectively.

Our experienced lawyers will work tirelessly to minimise the impact of these penalties on your life. We will explore every legal avenue to reduce (or if possible, avoid) disqualification periods, negotiate penalties, and, where possible, assist with the preparation work licence applications (see below). Our comprehensive approach ensures that you are fully prepared to address all aspects of your case, mitigating the long-term effects on your personal and professional life.

Trust us to provide the expert legal representation you need to face these charges with confidence and achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.

Why Choose Bazzi Law?

At Bazzi Law, we have a proven track record of successfully defending clients against drug driving charges. Our team is deeply knowledgeable about Queensland’s traffic laws and the intricacies of drug driving cases. We stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments and employ innovative strategies to ensure you receive the best possible defence.

We understand that every case is unique, which is why we take a personalised approach to your defence. Our lawyers will thoroughly review the details of your case, identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s evidence, and develop a tailored strategy to challenge the charges against you.

Drug Testing Procedures

In Queensland, drug testing procedures for drivers are rigorous and can result in serious charges if you test positive. Understanding these procedures can help you better prepare and defend yourself if charged.

Roadside Saliva Tests

  • Procedure: Conducted at random checkpoints, these tests involve swabbing the inside of your mouth to detect the presence of illicit drugs such as cannabis (THC), methamphetamine (ice), and MDMA (ecstasy).
  • Duration: The test usually takes about five minutes to yield a result.
  • Positive Result: If your saliva test returns a positive result, you will be required to undergo a second test to confirm the presence of drugs. A confirmed positive result can lead to immediate charges and mandatory licence suspensions.

Blood Tests

  • Usage: Blood tests are typically administered if you are involved in an accident or if the police suspect you are under the influence of drugs despite a negative saliva test.
  • Detection: Blood tests can detect both illegal drugs and certain prescription medications that can impair your ability to drive.
  • Implications: A positive blood test result for drugs can result in severe legal consequences, including fines, licence disqualification, and imprisonment.

Strict Liability

Drug driving charges are known as ‘strict-liability’ offences. This means that a prosecutor is not required to prove that you had knowledge or intention to commit the offence. In other words, you and you alone are responsible for ensuring that you are not committing a drug driving offence. Prescription drugs can sometimes result in drug driving charges if they impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. It is crucial to understand how these medications can affect your driving and what steps to take if charged.

  • Prescription Medications: While roadside saliva tests do not usually detect prescription drugs, a blood test might reveal their presence. If charged, you must demonstrate that the medication was taken as prescribed and that it did not impair your driving.
  • Legal Defence: At Bazzi Law, we will help you gather medical evidence and expert testimony to support your case. There are a range of defences that may be available to you, including emergency and mistake of fact.

At Bazzi Law, our experienced lawyers are well-versed in these procedures and will provide the comprehensive support you need to challenge any charges effectively. Trust us to protect your rights and guide you through the legal process with confidence.

What to Expect During Court Proceedings

Facing drug driving charges in court can be a daunting experience. Understanding the court process can help alleviate some of the anxiety and prepare you for what lies ahead.

1. Initial Appearance
  • First Hearing: Your first court date is typically a mention, where the charges are formally read, and you enter a plea or seek an adjournment. If you plead not guilty, the case will be adjourned to a later date for a hearing/trial. If you plead guilty, your matter will likely proceed to sentence and be finalised at the first mention.
  • Legal Representation: Having a skilled lawyer by your side during this initial appearance is crucial. They will help you understand the charges, advise you on your plea options, and make submissions to the court on your behalf.
2. Pre-Trial Procedures
  • Evidence Review: If you are contesting a charge of drug driving, your matter will be adjourned for a brief of evidence to be disclosed to you. Once disclosed, your lawyer will review all evidence against you, including police reports, test results, and witness statements. They will identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and prepare a robust defence strategy.
  • Negotiations: In some cases, your lawyer may negotiate with the prosecution to reduce the charges or reach a plea agreement that minimises the penalties.
3. Trial
  • Presenting Your Case: If your case goes to trial, your lawyer will present evidence and call witnesses to support your defence. They will cross-examine prosecution witnesses to challenge their credibility and the validity of the evidence against you.
  • Legal Arguments: Your lawyer will make legal arguments, highlighting any procedural errors, inconsistencies in the evidence, or mitigating factors that should influence the court’s decision.
4. Sentencing
  • Outcome: If you are found guilty (or if you plead guilty), the court will impose a sentence, which may include fines, licence disqualification, community-based orders, or imprisonment. Your lawyer will advocate for the least severe penalties, considering your personal circumstances and any mitigating factors.

How We Prepare Your Defence

At Bazzi Law, we take a comprehensive and meticulous approach to preparing your defence. Here’s how we ensure you have the best possible representation:

Case Evaluation

  • Initial Consultation: We begin with a thorough consultation to understand the details of your case and your personal circumstances. This helps us tailor our defence strategy to your specific needs.
  • Evidence Gathering: We collect all relevant evidence, including police reports, test results, medical records, and witness statements. We also conduct independent investigations if necessary.

Legal Strategy

  • Custom Defence: Based on the evidence, we develop a customised defence strategy that addresses the specific details of your case. This may include challenging the accuracy of the drug tests, questioning the legality of the police procedures (and admissibility of evidence), and highlighting any mitigating factors.
  • Expert Testimony: We may enlist the help of medical experts, toxicologists, and other professionals to provide testimony that supports your defence.

Court Representation

  • Preparation: We ensure you are fully prepared for each court appearance, explaining the process and what to expect at every stage. We also rehearse your testimony and prepare you for cross-examination.
  • Advocacy: In court, we vigorously advocate on your behalf, presenting a compelling case to the magistrate and working to achieve the best possible outcome.

Facing drug driving charges requires a strategic and well-prepared defence. At Bazzi Law, we are committed to providing exceptional legal representation, guiding you through every step of the court process, and fighting for your rights and future. Trust us to handle your case with the expertise and dedication it deserves.

Work Licence Applications

Eligibility and Application Process

Losing your licence due to a drug driving charge can severely impact your ability to work and support yourself and your family. In some cases, you may be eligible to apply for a work licence (section 87 licence), allowing you to drive for employment purposes despite the disqualification. A work licence application must be prepared before your matter goes to sentence. You cannot come back at a later stage and apply for a work licence.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Charge Type: If you are charged with driving while a relevant drug is present in your system, you may be eligible for a work licence. However, if you are charged with driving under the influence of drugs, you are not eligible.
  • Employment Requirements: You must demonstrate that driving is essential for your job. This can include providing evidence from your employer detailing your job responsibilities and the necessity of holding a licence.
  • Driving History: Your personal driving history will be taken into account. If you have suspended or disqualified in the previous five years, you are not eligible (note – there are exceptions to this rule). A clean driving record or minimal prior offences will enhance your prospects.
Application Process
  1. Prepare Affidavits: Affidavits are sworn by you (and your employer). These documents should explain why a work licence is crucial for your employment and outline your responsibilities and financial obligations.
  2. Lodge Documents: File the affidavits, application form, and any other supporting materials to the court. This process must be done correctly to avoid delays or rejections.
  3. Court Hearing: Attend the court hearing where a judge will review your application and decide whether to grant the work licence. Your drug driving lawyer will advocate on your behalf, presenting your case and supporting evidence.

How We Can Help You Retain Your Licence

Applying for a work licence can be a complex and detailed process. At Bazzi Law, we provide expert guidance and support to ensure your application is as strong as possible.

Personalised Assessment

  • Case Review: We begin by reviewing the specifics of your case and determining your eligibility for a work licence.
  • Tailored Advice: Based on our assessment, we provide personalised advice on how to best approach your application, including the necessary documentation and evidence.

Documentation Assistance

  • Affidavit Preparation: We prepare detailed and persuasive affidavits on your (and your employers) behalf. Our team ensures that all required information is included and presented effectively.
  • Document Submission: Once your materials have been filed, we ensure that copies have been served on the prosecution. This is a crucial step, as the prosecuting authority must have the opportunity to review the materials before the matter is heard.

Court Representation

  • Advocacy: During your court hearing, we represent you, presenting your case and advocating for the granting of a work licence. This will take place at the same time as your sentence. Our goal is to highlight the importance of your employment and the necessity of retaining your ability to drive.
  • Follow-Up: After the hearing, we provide ongoing support and advice, helping you understand any conditions attached to your work licence and ensuring you remain compliant.

At Bazzi Law, we understand the critical importance of retaining your driving privileges for employment. Our experienced lawyers are dedicated to helping you navigate the application process successfully, ensuring you can continue to support yourself and your family despite the challenges of a drug driving charge. Trust us to provide the expert legal assistance you need to achieve the best possible outcome.

Bazzi Law – Your Legal Advocate During This Tough Time

Facing a drug driving charge can be overwhelming and stressful.

At Bazzi Law, we offer a free initial consultation to help you understand your situation and explore your legal options.

During this consultation, our experienced lawyers will:

Listen to Your Story

We take the time to understand the specifics of your case and your personal circumstances.

Assess Your Case

We provide a realistic assessment of your situation, including potential outcomes and the best strategies for your defence.

Answer Your Questions

We address any questions or concerns you have, ensuring you are fully informed about the legal process and what to expect.

Contact Our Brisbane Drug Driving Lawyers Today!

If you are facing drug driving, drink driving or other dangerous driving charges, don’t wait to seek the legal help you need.

Contact us today for a free consultation and expert legal assistance. Our team is ready to provide the support and representation you need to navigate this challenging time.

Trust us to defend your rights, guide you through the legal process, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Let us help you move forward with confidence and peace of mind.